Just Think

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I never fly my Ercoupe with the canopy closed all the way.

Of course the Right side is stuck now and won't come up all the way, but before that I still did not close them all the way almost all of the time.
I wonder which of those is the most comfortable plane to fly? I imagine the P-51 would be noisiest.
Comfortable? Strangely, that is a factor. Mind you, I think that there is comfortable as-in "safe/relaxed" and comfortable as-in "numb bum". I don't think any of these would class as relaxed. I was excited flying in a Mustang, but it is LOUD. I think a good F-86 is described as nice to fly, and I am sure the Hun has been described as exciting. So, I am going to guess the F-86 would be the most "comfortable" to me.

I wanted to avoid saying "ergonomics". I've thought about what would it be like to fly those wonderful aircraft. I wonder what it was like having to spend a dozen hours in these things. Was it the exhilaration of being one with machine, soaring through the heavens or was it like being stuck in a duraluminum Iron Maiden?
The Hun was too thrilling on take off for me, based on my less than extensive research.

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