Knights of the Sky Exhibition

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Oct 12, 2011
Gidday Folks,

Images from the Knights of the Sky exhibition at the Aviation Heritage Centre, Omaka, Blenheim, New Zealand. To be fair, this is in my backyard, so I visit often, but these pics were taken a couple of years ago now and the displays might have changed a bit. It's a tricky environment to photograph in owing to the amount of contrast between the objects and their backgrounds, as well as different coloured spot lighting, so I hope the results of fiddling around with shadows and light variables have produced an acceptable result without too much graininess and glare.

This collection is that of film director Peter Jackson, who has accumulated a vast store of interesting things. Some of the aircraft are reproductions, but look authentic enough for this kind of display - the Fokker Dr Is are all flyable and are rolled out for airshows. I have posted images of this place in the past, but thought they needed a timely upgrade, hence this thread.

Knights of the Sky 02

Knights of the Sky 03

Knights of the Sky 14

Knights of the Sky 22

Knights of the Sky 25

Knights of the Sky 30

Knights of the Sky 32

Knights of the Sky 38

Knights of the Sky 45

Knights of the Sky 46

Knights of the Sky 49

More to come.
More from Omaka.

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Knights of the Sky 60

Knights of the Sky 61

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Knights of the Sky 80

More images here:

Don't forget to check out The Dangerous Skies Exhibition also at Omaka here:

Thanks for looking.

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