Airman 1st Class
I'm curious about something. My understanding is that the Lancaster was largely used as a night-bomber, due to the lessons learned by the British about losses encountered with unescorted daylight bombing, particularly with their lack of availability of a long-range, high performance, high altitude fighter to escort them, at least early in the war. Were Lancs widely used as escorted daylight bombers later in the war (without perhaps much fanfare)? If not, with the escorts the '17 and '24 got by the end of '43 on, could they have effectively done the job of a daylight bomber? Or did their relative lack of firepower (8-.30 caliber MGs vs 11/13 .50s) mean that even with escorts that they would have been too vulnerable? I realize that from a standpoint of managing 24 hour bombing, it might simply have made more sense to keep the British bombing campaign focused on night raides, leaving it to the Americans for daylight, rather than the unsuitability of the Lanc for the job.