Lancaster ND931 582 Sqdn RAF.

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Dec 28, 2007
Hi all, Am searching the world for a photo or information about this particular aircraft, I have details of it based at Litle Staughton UK and its last crew etc. One of the last crews family would like to see a picture ? Will leave it with you people ! Thank You. Keith
Maybe this will also help on some info for people to look for the photo. Info came from the book The Squadrons of the Royal Airforce Commonwealth 1918-1988.


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Not the best shot but it is of ND 931 of the 582nd RAF squadron. I will see if I can find more.

Title says that this is ND931 60-H of the 582nd Squadron taken from a Mosquito of the 1409 squadron. Flight. The G suffix has been erased as has the orginal roundel which was in a non standard postion. Source of photo Avro Lancaster Units in service by aircam


  • 582nd a.JPG
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WOW ! Micdrow I am impressed with this, big time, thank you so much, I know this pic will bring a tear to some eyes, they will be tears of joy, I must add ! Thank you so much. We will speak again ! Keith.
WOW ! Micdrow I am impressed with this, big time, thank you so much, I know this pic will bring a tear to some eyes, they will be tears of joy, I must add ! Thank you so much. We will speak again ! Keith.

Your welcome Keith, Im still looking for more photo's but it doesnt look good. At least for the sources I have. Hopefully some one will have a better picture.

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