Last man standing?

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Roman soldier due to better training and tactics as a whole, Viking maybe one on one with heavier weapon
1 v 1 in an environment that doesnt benefit one or the other....i go with the roman...BUT would have to add if it he was an early empire soldier who had better training, discipline, etc. the legionnaires in the latter days of the empire didnt seem to have the same skill sets or fighting ethics as their earlier comrades.
Also depends on what Soldier the Viking has to deal with...the Roman Legions had different soldiers.

Would the Viking be dealing with a conscript soldier, an experience campaigner (even a Decaturion or Centurion) or even a Cavalryman? Then there were the Auxiliary soldiers, like the Iberians, Teutons or Thracians...

My money would be the Roman, especially any campaigner attached to the VIII Legio, between 72 and 175 A.D.

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