Hi FalkeEins,
I've seen a variety of dates for the destruction of the Late and the SE on the Bodensee - there's been a number of posts about both craft on the LEMB. None of the posts (or indeed the pdf work on the 'net about the SE 200) provided sources / footnotes.
However, I've been snooping about the net again off the back of this thread, and last night came across a thread here:
Flugzeugabstürze Bodensee? [Archiv] - Schatzsucher.de
which, wonder of wonders, actually provides a source, namely "Im Bombenkrieg", Thomas Albrich und Arno Gisinger, Haymon Verlag 1992. This gives a list of all air raids in the area, and has this info: "06.04.1944: 00:55 Uhr tieffliegerangriff gegen drei Flugboote beim Seewerk Immenstaad. Keine Berichte über gesunkene Flugboote."
I mentioned a 605 Squadron Mosquito above. It was lost on the night of 6/7 April 1944, crashing into the Bodensee 4 km off Uttwil, from what I've seen at 00:10. Uttwil is directly across the lake from Immenstaadt, and the time of the attack / loss matches up closely.
On the back of the report about the date and time of the attack, the specificity of it having been against flying boats, and the absence of any cause of loss other than "Mosquito attack" for the two craft, I've now included the Latecoere 161 and the SE 200 in my database of Mosquito claims. The lack of any allied claims for the boats also appears to tie in with the relevant crew having failed to return.
I realise the report says there was no info re: flying boats sunk, however at the very least, the 605 Sqn Mossie appears to be the best candidate for the destruction of the two craft, even if wires have been crossed and memories faded over time, so I've attributed the attack to it in my db.