Legendary Combat Planes

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Feb 15, 2010
Hello friends,
I would like to recommend you this moive The Warplanes Of WWII -Legendary Combat Planes
I would like you to share some impressions about it.

Here is the description which is provided from the site above:
Control of the air became the key to military victory during World War Two. Axis and Allied pilots turned the skies over Europe and the Pacific into one of history's bloodiest arenas. The Warplanes of WWII provides a bird's eye view of the action, thanks to rare newsreel footage, some of which has not been seen in 60 years. You will bear witness to the German Blitzkrieg in Poland and France, along with the RAF's heroic stand against the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain. The series also dramatizes what modem air squadrons could do to traditional ground and sea forcesfrom the Japanese Imperial Navy's surprise attack on Pearl Harbor to the daring daylight bombing raids of the US Air Forces over Europe. Later, of course, American planes delivered the horrifying atomic payloads upon Hiroshima and Nagasaki that brought the war to a close. This 5-DVD set covers all of these aspects of the conflict, providing the most fascinating and complete look at the struggle for skybom supremacy ever assembled.

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