The US treated its Vietnam War Dogs worse than it treated its Vietnam human veterans:
Approximately 4,900 dogs were used in Vietnam from 1964 - 1975. The "approximately" is because that military did not even bother to keep records of the dogs until 1968. The dogs were used in various roles, sentry, booby-trap, combat tracker, mine detection, tunnel dogs, etc. 232 were KIA along with 295 handlers during the course of the war. It is estimated that the dogs saved the lives of over 10,000 US soldiers. As the war ended the dogs were classified as "Excess equipment" by the Army. Initially the Army began a program of quarantining the dogs for 4 weeks before sending them out of Vietnam but after 204 dogs passed through the program it was deemed "too costly" and discontinued. The remaining dogs were euthanized. 300 were turned over to ARVN forces though the Vietnamese had little use for dogs except as food. There were no Veterinarians in the country and the dogs were seldom fed as it was "too costly" to maintain them. Most died of starvation.
In the last days of the war any remaining dogs were simply abandoned to be hunted down by the NVA, VC, or civilian villagers looking for a meal.