Lindberg 1:72 scale Arado 234 & 1:72 scale Frog Heinkel 162

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See here's the thing. A few years back I built Italeri's Me 321 and I was looking for a Hanomag tractor and a 88 AA gun to use as a payload. No one had either or could supply one so I went with the half track, not much available in the two hobby shops we have left in the way of 1:72 scale armor. I did pick up the kfz.69 a while ago for fairly cheap. somehow I doubt it has enough oompf to haul a 234 around though. As for the bombs, I can only imagine they would be there to help with the mighty kaboom !


Frog He 162. Cockpit consists of a recliner and a pilot figure that looks more like an amoeba. I fixed it up with bits of styrene, wire and BMF. I also had no canopy for it so I ended up making one. After I make an inlet duct for the jet engine it's ready to close the fuselage up. I don't think I've ever seen a Mistel where the piggy back plane had it's gears retracted ? The gear on this kit is hopeless so I'm going to have it retracted.

Nicely done. Here is a photo showing the gear retracted so you are good to go (from da webs)

I've got two Mistel books and there are several 109s and 190s with the gear retracted, on the ground and in the air as well
Nicely done. Here is a photo showing the gear retracted so you are good to go (from da webs)

I've got two Mistel books and there are several 109s and 190s with the gear retracted, on the ground and in the air as well

I've always wondered why they had the gear down ? You would think they would have wanted to eliminate as much drag as possible on take off. I tseems most of the pictures I looked at before I started on this showed gear down. Mind you, I didn't really put a lot of time into researching it since I'm just doing it as a so called "Luft46" thing to clean up two crappy models. To my knowledge they never used 162 on top of a 234 ! But apparently with the Luft46 crowd pretty much anything goes. Haunebu ? 3-2-1 !
The kit doesn't have anything for the compressor inlet, it's just a hole. I used a hole punch, chopped out a piece of beer can and used scissors to make blades for the compressor. Then spun a bit of sprue in the drill to make the cone. Just a matter of getting it to fit right and then the fuselage is going together. I'm definitely leaving the wheels retracted as well. Too much work otherwise.

Today was throw paint around day. RLM 76/81/82. I'm thinking after the decals are on I may try doing desert worms ( Andy's Storch ) with a set of paint pens. I realize it's just a "what if Luft 46" thing but I imagine tired 162s being shuttled to the desert for such purposes and tarted up with desert camo for the job. Not that they ever had much chance to get tired but hey....what if ??

Looking good.
Desert would be stretching it a bit by 1945 / 46 - German forces long gone. However, a similar 'Welle' pattern in, say RLM 76 would look good, like on nightfighters ....................

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