Lookig for the navigator named Wilf

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Jun 18, 2024
Hello everyone,
You will find on my site, the story of a slice of life of a Canadian navigator, whose Lancaster crashed in 1944 in a field of the Marne. In fact, my investigation began by chance with a memory of my late father, and ended in a surprising way.
(Translation in english by a canadian man from Vancouver, not as now because i am using here Google )
If you engage in historical research, you must first have the chance to work in a country like Canada, which has apparently digitized all its archives, and whose consultations are accessible and free (the Americans are quite strong in this area too). But this will not save you from work, patience and courage. For example, regarding certain PDF scans, it is impossible to have a "word search" function within a file: you will have to go through hundreds of pages! And you will sometimes find yourself in a dead end. How many times have I lost track of this browser? You will also sometimes have to change your search method. For example, the resistance networks did not keep records of rescue operations for airmen who survived crashes!
But if you persist, you will find an error in a testimony or an official report, and you will find that only you have the pieces of the puzzle. And then as if by magic, you will find his place of imprisonment thanks to his number and another story, and later, a person on the other side of the Atlantic will find a publication which verifies your research!
In the end, you won't know how you succeeded!
But it's not over: rereading awaits you, it never ends!
For the English translation it's worse, but everything works out when, by some miracle, your new neighbors are Canadians from Vancouver!
I can't wait for your reactions!
Good reading !

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