Looking for blueprints of jet engunes

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I had to be more specific. I'm looking for blueprints of russian(USSR) military jet engines - AM, Klimov, RD series, all engines of russian MiG and Sukhoi fighters.

Just a couple from Google (haven't done any in-depth looking into each site, so dunno if they charge or not):

VAR. Aviation Drawing

Jet Engine Books Videos, DVD Movies, all about jet engines.

3-View and Aircraft Resources


Aircraft Scale Drawings
This last one is from the same site as one of the links above, just a page back so you get more link options

This one's mostly WW2 (at least that's all I've looked at!), but I've ordered three so far (free shipping on three, which made buying three about the same price as buying two with shipping. Go figger. I got the F4U, P38, and ME262) and they're EXCELLENT!
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