Looking for info on Jan (John) Naumoff who served in USAF

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Senior Master Sergeant
Hello to all!

I´m looking for any kind of the information on Jan (John) Naumoff, who was born in Czechoslovakia but served and flew in USAF.
The very brief info I have on him is:
- * 1917, Sanov, Czech Republic today
- he had an uncle in USA, visited him before WW2, stayed there and served in USAF during and after WW2
- probably flew P-38 (reconnaissance unit?).

Hew was born few miles away from my born town but we´re missing another info on him.
Could anyone help please?

Thank you in advance.
Hi Roman, not sure if it's the same guy (name and Year of birth matches), but I found this info on the Social Security Death Index John Naumoff

Name: John Naumoff
Date of Birth: Tuesday December 04, 1917
Date of Death: Saturday November 03, 1990
Est. Age at death: 72 years, 10 months, 30 days

Last known residence:
City: Brandywine
County: Prince Georges
State: Maryland
ZIP Code: 20613
Latitude: 38.6716
Longitude: -76.8099
Confirmation: Verified

Location of Last Benefit Paid:
City: Brandywine
County: Prince Georges
State: Maryland
ZIP Code: 20613

Social Security details:
State of Issue: Pennsylvania

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Thank you Dave!

I´ll try to ask the mayor of Sanov tomorrow for Naumoff´s exact date of birth, if the info is available...

I said almost everything in my request except of the information his mother´s maiden name was Ruskova (Czech) who married Mr. Naumoff (Bulgarian). John left for USA in 1938, served in 8th USAAF and probably flew with F-5A or F-5B...
He stayed in USAF after WW2 and was taking a part on an air bridge to West Berlin.
I think I might have some basic info on the USAF Transport units involved in the Air Lift, Roman.I'm not sure how detailed it will be until I check my refereces, but I do know the main Groups are listed. It might take me a few days to get it all together, so I'll e-mail you when I find it all.
I am John Naumoff's youngest son. My wife stumbled accross this post and told me about it.
How do you know my father?

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I am John Naumoff's youngest son. My wife stumbled accross this post and told me about it.
How do you know my father?


Hello Tony!
I knew this is the best forum I know. Another unexpected hit!
Anyway, thank you for your post! As for me and John Naumoff- I was born and grew up in Slavicin, Czech Republic (former Czechoslovakia) and lived there till 2001. Since I got married I moved to Zlin that is about 25 miles away from Slavicin.
A friend of mine is collecting each kind of info about soldiers who were born in Slavicin and surrounding villages and fought in different countries during WW2. He unfortunately doesn´t speak english.
John was born in Sanov that is about 3 miles away from Slavicin. All we know about him is that he was born in 1917, left for USA before WW2 and served in USAAF. Some people say that when Patton´s army liberated Pilsen John was there and met one guy (Mr. Rusek) from Sanov there. That´s all we know about it and no info anymore.

So was your dad born in Sanov?

Looking forward to your additional information!
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OK, where to start. My father was raised in Sanov by his mother Anna (Rusak ) Naumoff but was born in Camden, NJ USA. His mother took him to Sanov at the age of 2 or 3. She was from there.So he really was from Sanov but just not born there.
OK, where to start. My father was raised in Sanov by his mother Anna (Rusak ) Naumoff but was born in Camden, NJ USA. His mother took him to Sanov at the age of 2 or 3. She was from there.So he really was from Sanov but just not born there.
Sorry, double posting. I deleted this post and let the following one...
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OK, where to start. My father was raised in Sanov by his mother Anna (Rusak ) Naumoff but was born in Camden, NJ USA. His mother took him to Sanov at the age of 2 or 3. She was from there.So he really was from Sanov but just not born there.

Great, thank you for your response. At least we know we speak about the same John Naumoff. The fact that he was born in USA would explain the fact there´s no record about his exact birth date in the Sanov´s archives.

I´m quite often in Sanov. On Aug 29, 1944, there was an air battle over White Carpathian mountains where 9 US bombers were shote down. All of them crashed in pretty small area around Slavicin. One B-17G "Big Time", 42-38096, crashed close to Sanov. A nephew of tail gunner (KIA) from this machine visited me last week so I was there with him on Tuesday and Saturday. I´ll post pics from his visit yet.

Some pics from the last year´s commemoration you can see here http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/av...gram-65th-anniversary-commemration-19808.html

This, altough it has nothing to do with your father, might be also interesting for you http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/aviation/august-29-1944-museum-sanov-czech-republic-9882.html

Btw, I´ve heard you father sent some money to Sanov after WW2 for the monument to the fallen US airmen...

I´ll speak to my friend and ask him for his question he might have on you, if you don´t mind.

I´d have a question- did your father or anyone from your family visited Sanov after WW2?

Let´s keep in touch, my e-mail address is [email protected]
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I don't mind answering some question as long as I can ask some of you. You might be able to fill in some things I don't know.
Yes my dad did go to Sanov after V-E day at some point and visit his mother. I have photos of a visit there.
My dad's cousins visited Sanov a number of time. They are Sukany and there mother was my father's mother's sister.
My Father was a Photo interpretor and translator.

Shot of the custom Jeep was in occupied Germany.
I will send you an email.



I don't mind answering some question as long as I can ask some of you. You might be able to fill in some things I don't know.
Yes my dad did go to Sanov after V-E day at some point and visit his mother. I have photos of a visit there.
My dad's cousins visited Sanov a number of time. They are Sukany and there mother was my father's mother's sister.
My Father was a Photo interpretor and translator.

Shot of the custom Jeep was in occupied Germany.
I will send you an email.




Yep, I was told that Sukany family was somehow related with your father. Thank you for your e-mail and I sent you replay.
Hello Tony,

btw, 3 members of this forum, KMeyrick (Las Vegas, USA), Airframes and Rochie (both from England) visited Sanov (crash site and local pub) last year.
Kelly Charles-Meyrick´s grand uncle was KIA during the air battle, but aboard of another plane, not that one that crashed close to Sanov. And those british guys were interested in the 65th anniversary commemoration and decided to come.
I already posted this link http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/av...gram-65th-anniversary-commemration-19808.html - you can find them all on those pics.

Small world8)

Nice weekend!

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