Looking for information re the Wellesley

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Senior Master Sergeant
Apr 17, 2017
midwest USA
Does anyone have any detail information on the sub-systems carried by the Wellesley?

I am looking for the size (ie how many gallons and number of the fuel tanks, and the size of the oil tank, as well as other detail information (ie size of the ailerons, flaps, etc). Usually I can get this information from the Leading Particulars section in the Air Ministry manuals for the aircraft, but there does not seem to be one available for the Wellesley (AP 1524A Vol I) other than at the UK National Archives, and this one has not yet been digitized.

It would be nice if I could get the same type of information for the LRDU aircraft also.

Any information would be appreciated.
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Sorry Thomas, Checked my library for manuals and technical descriptions but without any luck. Some info on how much the long range record flight aircraft carried...but nowhere do they state the standard fuel/oil capacity.
Does anyone have any detail information on the sub-systems carried by the Wellesley?

I am looking for the size (ie how many gallons and number of the fuel tanks, and the size of the oil tank, as well as other detail information (ie size of the ailerons, flaps, etc). Usually I can get this information from the Leading Particulars section in the Air Ministry manuals for the aircraft, but there does not seem to be one available for the Wellesley (AP 1524A Vol I) other than at the UK National Archives, and this one has not yet been digitized.

It would be nice if I could get the same type of information for the LRDU aircraft also.

Any information would be appreciated.
Hi T ThomasP

Maybe this web could be useful:

Hey Juanita,

Thanks for looking.

Hey Escuadrilla Azul,

Thank you for your reply. The link has a lot of very interesting info on the Wellesley, but unfortunately not what I am looking for (unless I missed something).

Cutaway has fuel/oil quanities.
Thanks mjfur,

By the cut-away the oil is 9 Impgal in the "Main oil tank" and fuel is 430 Impgal total in the 7 fuel tanks (1x18+2x74+2x63+2x69). The fuel load total fits with the only semi-official/semi-authoritative source I have found which said 430 Impgal.
Hey Juanita,

Thanks for looking.

Hey Escuadrilla Azul,

Thank you for your reply. The link has a lot of very interesting info on the Wellesley, but unfortunately not what I am looking for (unless I missed something).
It's my pleasure. Sadly, you didn't miss anything. It say nothing about fuel capacita, only that the special LR Wellesleys had 3 times that of the standard ones.
Hey nuuumannn,

As far as I can find there is no digitized copy of the Wellesley AP 1524A anywhere, nor have I been able to find a reprint or original hardcopy for sale. There are hardcopies in the Kew and Australian archives.

Eventually, when I exhaust the library system's and internet's resources I plan to do some traveling to the various Archives of different nations (US, UK, maybe Australia, possibly others) and do some in person research - and pay to have a bunch of manuals and other documents digitized for general access of the public (ie aviation info vampires such as myself and other people on this forum). This is assuming I live long enough. :)

I have been making my list for the last 5 years or so now. It is quite long.
Little to nothing on the sub systems.

Performance Tables of British Service Aircraft, Air Publication 1746, dated August 1939 but data includes 1940/41 aircraft
In these tables the ranges of all aircraft except fighter types are calculated after deducting fuel used in 50 minutes at maximum economic power
a) 20 minutes at maximum economic cruising power, to allow for warming of engines, taxying, taking off and the climb to operational height
b) 30 minutes at maximum economic cruising power, to allow for time over target, navigational errors and other emergencies
The above makes no allowance for - (i) The effect of wind, (ii), The effect of formation flying, (iii) The use of full throttle over enemy territory.
The effect of these factors must be allowed for when fights are being planned

Vickers Wellesley Note with desert equipment fuel or bombs reduced by 212 pounds or range 135 miles

Number of Engines
Engine MakePegasus XX
Engine CoolingAir
Horse Power
At Height (feet)
Span (feet, inches)74.6'
Length (feet, inches)39.25'
Height (feet, inches)15.3'
Wing Area (square feet)
Forward Wings1 Vickers, 600 Rds
Dorsal1 Lewis, 8x97 Rds
Bomb Load Normal (pounds)
Bomb Load Maximum (pounds)
Tare Weight (pounds)

Normal. Normal Weight is 11,360 pounds with desert equipment
Weight (pounds)
Take Off (Over 50 ft) (Yards)
Landing (Over 50 ft) (Yards)
Climb to Height (feet)
Climb to Height Time (Mins)
Service Ceiling (Feet)
Maximum Speed (m.p.h)
Max Speed Height (Feet)
Cruising Speed (m.p.h)
Cruise Speed Height
Bomb Load (pounds)
50 Minutes allowance Range (miles)
50 Minutes allowance Endurance Hours
Fuel (for range, pounds)
Fuel (for allowance, pounds)
Fuel (Total, pounds)
Fuel (Total, Gallons)
Miles per 100 pounds fuel

Take Off (Over 50 ft) (Yards)
Climb to Height (feet)
Climb to Height Time (mins)
Service Ceiling
Maximum Bombs (Cruise) Speed (m.p.h)
Height (feet)
Bomb Load (pounds)
Range (50 mins allow.) (miles)
Endurance (50 mins allow.) Hrs
Fuel (for range, pounds)
Fuel (for allowance, pounds)
Fuel (Total, pounds)
Fuel (Total, Gallons)
Miles per 100 pounds of fuel
Maximum Fuel (Cruise) Speed (m.p.h)
Height (feet)
Bomb Load (pounds)
Range (50 mins allow.) (miles)
Endurance (50 mins allow.) Hrs
Fuel (for range, pounds)
Fuel (for allowance, pounds)
Fuel (Total, pounds)
Fuel (Total, Gallons)
Miles per 100 pounds of fuel
Maximum Fuel Capacity (Gallons)

Maximum Fuel (Economical) Speed (m.p.h)
Height (feet)
Bomb Load (pounds)
Range (50 mins allow.) (miles)
Endurance (50 mins allow.) Hrs
Fuel (for range, pounds)
Fuel (for allowance, pounds)
Fuel (Total, pounds)
Fuel (Total, Gallons)
Miles per 100 pounds of fuel
Hey nuuumannn,

As far as I can find there is no digitized copy of the Wellesley AP 1524A anywhere, nor have I been able to find a reprint or original hardcopy for sale. There are hardcopies in the Kew and Australian archives.

Eventually, when I exhaust the library system's and internet's resources I plan to do some traveling to the various Archives of different nations (US, UK, maybe Australia, possibly others) and do some in person research - and pay to have a bunch of manuals and other documents digitized for general access of the public (ie aviation info vampires such as myself and other people on this forum). This is assuming I live long enough. :)

I have been making my list for the last 5 years or so now. It is quite long.
Hi Thomas

Would you like to send me the location information of what you have found in the Australian Archives...if they are in Canberra I might be able to help.
Because of the type's significant in relation to Australian aviation history, I have always has my eye on the Wellesley - I have even been asked to draw it a few times, but decined because there was so little technical information avaliable.
Private message me if you prefer.

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OK, thanks Thomas.
I saw your mention of there being "hardcopies in the Kew and Australian archives". As I'm Australian based I though I might be able to help if the 'Australian archives' you are referring to are in Sydney or Canberra.
My apologies Juanita, i was not clear.

I have seen mention of hardcopies in the Australian Archives, but when I did searches on the Australian archives I was unable to find any actual record/reference. They may be there. I found mention in a history of the LRDU that a complete set of operating and service manuals was carried by the 3x Wellesley LRDU aircraft that made the range record flight to Australia. None of them left Australia under their own power, so maybe their manuals were stored somewhere.

Additionally, I did not find any mention - within the Admiralty Fleet Orders on the "Admiralty Fleet Orders | Royal Australian Navy" site - of the Wellesley manuals being ordered to Australia. They have record of the manuals for most other British airframes that saw combat (in the ETO, MTO, CBI and PTO) being ordered to Australia. This Fleet Order for example: "https://www.navy.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2340-2462.pdf". If you do a word search for "Air Publications" it will take you to the section on manuals for aircraft, aircraft engines, etc, that were sent around March 1942.

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