Looking for Me262b-1a/u1 instrument panel layout

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Jun 19, 2007
I am looking for some image of the original instrument panel installed on Me 262b-1a/u1.
I would like to understand if on the nigth figther version the pilot instrument panel was different from the normal Me262a
Unfortunately on the only survivor of the type, now in South Africa, almost the original instruments were substituted by the Allies during post-war fligth tests.
Hi Massimo,

I have been looking for the same for some years now, without much success. I can from my research see that there is a few changes to the standard like additional Turn & bank indicator, Flap position indicator and engine pressure ration instrument. As you state the instrumentation of "Rote 8" in SA has been changed to British/American instruments, but some hint are left due to the systematical German way of making aero planes.
I hope we shall see some original photos if they exist.
What about these?


  • Messerschmitt Me 262_1.pdf
    715.7 KB · Views: 130
  • Messerschmitt Me 262_2.pdf
    415.9 KB · Views: 119
What about these?
Yes, there is some comments to those.

1. The reproduction is only the result of the makers imagination. There is several mistakes that can be verified from what is left in the actual aircraft in SA. Like the outside air temperature gage, no such thing was installed and he is missing out the engine pressure ratio instrument for starters.
2. In the photographs, the ones to the right are actually the only original images that is known of the interior of the aircraft now in SA with original instrumentation, and are reproduced in various quality in books and magazines. These photographs was taken shortly after the arrival in Britten in May 1945 and unfortunately only shows a limited view.

I hope that there is more photographs of the original instrumentation out there just waiting to be published.
Could these be of use? I had them from researching the F-86 Sabre


  • 51203133559_aaa95876b1_o.jpg
    118.2 KB · Views: 40
  • 7585876678_c39e8fae64_b.jpg
    160.9 KB · Views: 41
Here's the Me262 A-1. Cockpitprofil Me 262 A-1a | Deutscheluftwaffe You can compare the A with the South African B and see if there are any extra holes or slots for instruments.

This website has a fairly robust quantity of German manuals. Luftfahrt-Archiv Hafner
There isn't a separate Me 262 B manual, perhaps one didn't exist due to lack of differences? You could e-mail them and ask.
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Many thanks

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