Looking for P-47D Chinese Makings

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Senior Airman
Apr 21, 2008

I saw a pic on this book http://www.aerotechmodels.com/sqsigp47pacific.jpg
of a P-47D Thunderbolt with Chinese markings, on the pic is possible to see, that the USAAF Markings was painted with Olive Drab and the Chinese Markings are painted over there !!!

I´m looking for more pics and informations about the P-47D with Chinese markings/Air Force.

I saw this and think what amazing !!! So different I´m thinking I built some P-47 model with this markings...

Thanks for all help !

The mosquito and P-51B (yes it´s a B! The P51A has Alison Engines... and the nose are different.. ;D) are very good subjects to make great models....

More pics please !

And some Chinese Ponies... some, or all of these may have been from the CACW, but I'm not sure.

All photos: M. Kyburz collection
And here's a larger version of the factory shot... from my collection. This ship went on to serve with the CACW.


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