Luftwaffe photo ID help needed

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Senior Airman
Jan 19, 2008
The Netherlands

I have this picture showing an unknown Luftwaffe unit flying HE 111's. I can't make out the unit markings.
Perhaps somebody recognizes the town they are flying over....could narrow down the search for the identity of the unit. The photo came from a camera of a Luftwaffe crewmember who was shot down in France in a HE 111 somewhere in June 1940.

Any help is appreciated very much.



  • Heinkel 111 6-1940.jpg
    Heinkel 111 6-1940.jpg
    227 KB · Views: 424
That is the city of Ulm in Germany.

That is the cathedral with the tallest steeple in the world (528 ft). Absolutely amazing church to visit. I have not been there in about 10 years, but I hope to go soon again.
The Cathedral was actually spared severe damage during the war. The whole city around it was pretty much destroyed, but the church was left standing.
That is the city of Ulm in Germany.

That is the cathedral with the tallest steeple in the world (528 ft). Absolutely amazing church to visit. I have not been there in about 10 years, but I hope to go soon again.

Thanks for the info!!!! I guessed someone would recognize such an impresive catherdral. Europe is big if one doesn't know were to look.

Thanks again.

Cheers Sander

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