Luftwaffe propellor hubs

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Aug 21, 2006
I found this over at the LEMB board and posted it here. Thought maybe a few people would be interested in it.


  • Propellor.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 488
Cool stuff micdraw, cant read german but some good pics there, wonder what the nozzles are for on the front piece cooling or oil?
If Micdrow can scan the descriptions for the part numbers, I should be able to translte them for you.

Great info there, Micdrow BTW! Thanks!
I checked out Micdrow's site, Wilbur, and apparently the nozzles are for de-icing the propeller blades.
The nozzles are straight valves which are connected to a glycol tank placed directly behind the propeller (in the forward engine nacelle as far as I understood it).
The fluid isn't pumped, but fed via a valve and sprayed by centrifugel force directly onto the propeller blades.

Thanks for the link Micdrow, looks like a ton of info in there!

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