Senior Airman
And don't forget that there were ongoing and constant modifications being made to the aircraft during production. Many of these were designed to make production easier.
"The modifications HAD to work their way through the chain of command. first comes the idea,then next is the selling of the idea, along with possibly several alternate solutions...next, once a modification is settled on, a company has to be selected to test the feasibility of making the modification,...and a series of testing the modification, then the actual modification, has to be fitted into the production line... and this modification, rather than stopping the production line, was provided first to a Modification Center to bring up an aircraft to the latest configuration just prior to delivering the aircraft to a combat theater."
"The modifications HAD to work their way through the chain of command. first comes the idea,then next is the selling of the idea, along with possibly several alternate solutions...next, once a modification is settled on, a company has to be selected to test the feasibility of making the modification,...and a series of testing the modification, then the actual modification, has to be fitted into the production line... and this modification, rather than stopping the production line, was provided first to a Modification Center to bring up an aircraft to the latest configuration just prior to delivering the aircraft to a combat theater."