Tech Sergeant
Because by the end of September 1945 they would have Seafires and, well, Seafires. The rest of the FAA air fleet would have been tossed overboard. Oh, and the last merchant carrier Swordfish. The last Albacores were with the RAF in Aden. Just as,had the British army standardised only on the Sherman tank, by the same date they would have to meet any Soviet threat with armoured cars, Archer SPGs and a steely jaw and a small revolver.According to William Green's Fighters Vol 2, the Firefly FRI with a Griffon IIB of 1730 HP had a top speed of 316 MPH at 14,000 ft. The Firefly FR MKIV with a Griffon 74 of 2245HP had a top speed of 386 MPH at 14,000. Oddly enough the FRI had a time to 10,000 ft of 5 min 45 sec and the FR MKIV had a time of 7 min 9 sec (possible typo?).
What would the F2A have been like if we had added 500 HP? No doubt it would have been regarded by the Japanese as an absolute terror. The FM-2 with the 1350 HP R-1820 is almost in that category.
The Firefly did not enter service until the middle of 1944. So the answer to the obvious question of "Why would the RN even try to build a better Fulmar?' is "Because they already had Wildcats, Hellcats, and Corsairs to do the air-to-air work."