Manuals People are looking for

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Hello Tomo Pauk,
What you are stating is not really in agreement with what I have found elsewhere though the numbers you are quoting are fairly close.
There were other engines between the R-2800-21 found on the very early D and the R-2800-59 installed initially in the D-20 at a lower power rating than the R-2800-59 installed in the D-25 onwards. What I am looking for are the differences between the D-23 and D-25.
Although their Military Ratings are the same, the Take-Off Ratings are different and the SEFC should indicate the differences which is why I am looking for it. The T-O Rating is typically also 15 minutes duration which seems to make it functionally the equivalent of a Military Rating at Sea Level.

I also believe we are getting a bit out of scope for a simple manual request.

- Ivan.
Anyone have any English translations of Po-2 manuals? I need both flight and maintenance manuals. I've got a Russian maintenance manual which has the info I need, but an English version would be quicker to use.

Hi all,

Looking for Lockheed hardware book. Book that has LS aircraft parts so I can find common AN parts that match. Working on P-38. Thank you for your time.

Is it Handbook of Instructions for the Erection and Maintenance N0. S-1A of P-38G-1, -3, -5, & -10 or S-1B for P-38J-5.
S-1 is for P-38F-5 and R-1 is P-38 series Repair Handbook
Hi all,

Looking for Lockheed hardware book. Book that has LS aircraft parts so I can find common AN parts that match. Working on P-38. Thank you for your time.


Is it Handbook of Instructions for the Erection and Maintenance N0. S-1A of P-38G-1, -3, -5, & -10 or S-1B for P-38J-5.
S-1 is for P-38F-5 and R-1 is P-38 series Repair Handbook

Hi Jason

Fantastic manuals and I am sure lots of people would love to see the complete manuals scanned and posted here

The repair manual may be of benefit to Randy but I think what Randy is looking for is more like this. Randy please correct me if I am wrong.

This is one pair of pages from Tech Order 00-45S-1 but only covers rivets whereas I think Randy is looking for nuts/bolts/washers interchanges so if there is a chart in the repair manual that looks vaguely like this it may well be what he needs. In the closeup you can see that LS1110 and LS1138 are related to the AN442 rivet. The rest of the chart lists differences for each rivet size.
Does anyone have a copy of the maintenance and parts manuals for the Cessna 305 (L-19 or OE-1) Bird Dog. A common warbird but the manuals are hard to find ......
Looking for the VGS parts list that Supermarine used during WW2.I have the earlier 1930,s version and the AGS parts list.
I'm looking for "Bf 109F Ersatzteil-liste" (parts catalog):

I found some links, but they are all dead/broken.
I need something for the G-model, but in the Bf 109G Ersatzteil-Liste the part is described as: "Wie Bf 109F" (same as 109F). Does anybody have a free copy of the F-parts catalog?
P.S. I did find it at the end - here.
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Pm me your e mail i have a copy of the G
I can try to send it in a few days
cheers Jb
Thank you very much, but I already have the Bf 109G Ersatzteil-liste - I needed the one for Bf 109F for comparison, since some of the parts in the G-catalog are described as "same as F". Thank you anyways!

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