Mariya Abakumova

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You know, and I don't mean this as a dig specifically to this chick, but if I was a betting man, I suspect that 80% of olympians in strenght/stamina sports uses enhancing drugs. American, Russian, Chinese, French, German, you name the country.

Just look at the runners who competed. You don't get to looking like Mr. Olympia running around a godforsaken track. Some of those guys (and gals!!) had upper bodies to die for. Anyone who has done strength training knows how hard it is to bulk up like that. It is literally hours and hours in the gym. And not running.

Look at that second pic of the javelin thrower above. She's friggin' huge! And then here's some more.


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I was thinking the same thing. Look at Professional Bodybuilders, especially the Women. When they are not in heavy training for an event the loose much of thier muscletone pretty quickly. Then bulk up in the weeks/months prior to a big event.
Lastly, why is thay Guy in the top picture wearing a Bikini? Yikes!!!
If I woke up next to that the morning after, I would have to question my mother if perhaps she was too overbearing in my younger years.
Yeah, she is frightening.
Dara Torres, the 41 year old Olympic swimmer in the Black Bikini is a bit better. I've seen some of the workout she puts herself through in training and she is a beast. Most of us, even you young punk kids would probably be dead after one of her workouts. She swears she takes no enhancing drugs and from some of the stuff she does in workouts I'd tend to believe her.
She swears she takes no enhancing drugs and from some of the stuff she does in workouts I'd tend to believe her.

I think that is the same quote from Lance Armstrong. And as God is my witness, that guy was using.

Well I vote for 'cause and effect' everytime. Sorry Buck, but I have a hard time buying it. Kinda like saying "you don't believe she has wings, because you should see some of the aerobatics she can perform".
Not saying she doesn't put her time in at the Gym and she is to be commended for that. But you know as well as I do many of these athletes use performance enhancing substances, both legal and illegal varieties to gain an advantage. I hate to think of what these chemicals do to some of them in the long run.
I think it was on 20/20 a few months back where they were profiling some Russian female athletes that were given drugs, some un-known to them to enhance thier performance and they are now paying for it with constant pain and degenerated body parts. Terrible thing to live with for the sake of winning a prize.
I hope that's not the case with most of these athletes.
Only she knows for sure Matt. I'm just saying she does put in her reps and it certainly shows. If she's pumping herself full of drugs to get the effect shame on her.
She is a professional athlete...this means that javelin throwing absorbs most of her daily life; an amateur is not likely to win a silver medal in an olympiad.

Sorry, old man. I, for one, am not impressed. I would much
rather see a woman,,, about 5' 6", 120 lbs who fills a bikini nicely, than
have all that ugly muscle. I just wonder when was the last time she
was in bed with a man.... Probably doesn't have time for that too
much time in the gym, you know....

These two fill thier tops out well, but somehow I don't think this is what Charles had in mind;) Back to the Breaking News thread for me.


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