Mariya Abakumova

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Hey, Udet, glad to have you back; I was wondering where you'd gotten to.

Yes, very impressive; and, in her own way, very sexy. My sister is a big-time triathlete living down in SoCal, so I'm familiar with this. She's not MY type of woman (especially since she's my sister!), but I can see how some guys might appreciate a chick with muscles. However, I personally would rather not get involved with any woman who can kick my a**.
Interesting thing about your sister. Does she have any international experience in her specialty?

No, no international experience that I know of. She tends to compete strictly in California; she claims her biggest accomplishment was swimming the San Francisco Bay from Alcatraz to the city of San Francisco without cramping up. Her latest "claim to fame" is as a spokesmodel in a full-page add in the current issue of Triathlete magazine; I've got a hotlink to it somewhere. She pretty much trains for Ironman competitions whenever she's not working, she's that serious about it. I'm lucky if I can run around the block without keeling over!

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