Masking Tape

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Just seen this. Curious if its the same as Tamiya. The first link says, "....offers just enough adhesion without damaging car paint, rubber, or plastic trim....". If it is like Tamiya, check out the prices

Reply from the second link

Swung by this place yesterday and picked up 4 rolls of their tape:


6mm wide x 18m long goes for 2 bucks and the 18mm x 18m is 5 bucks. My regular hobby shop sells the Tamiya 18mm wide stuff for 7 bucks so, yeah, cheaper.

Stuck some on my Macchi, Tamiya at top, Kamoi atbottom:


The Kamoi tape acts the same as Tamiya, if not slightly MORE tacky, by my estimation. However, the difference is hardly noticed. Kamoi measured slightly thicker on my digital vernier at .08mm vs .07 for Tamiya, measured 3 times.

So, I'd say virtually the same as Tamiya but cheaper.

EDIT: Yes, both came off the model fine though I didn't try them over the decals.

In my youth (!) I spent a goodly amount of time & effort painting model airplanes and real airplanes. Masking tape--sometimes merely scotch tape for 1/72 or so--was a huge help.
So I wondered about those elaborate WW I color schemes with squares and stripes and stuff.
Had to be hand-painted by talented-patient artistes because it developed that masking tape was a postwar invention. However, a 78th FG vet said that the black & white checkerboard cowlings were done by hand.
Great review Andy. Gonna order some when I get home
It was kinda weird when I walked in there. It's a cool place if you are a car finishing buff. Lots of products for painting and finishing cars but then I find the tape in a wooden box in a corner with no price info. There were some unopened packages of 6mm and 18mm rolls (like on the web links above), some open packages, and a bunch of loose rolls with crap all over the sticky part of the sides. I asked the guy if they sold the whole packages and he said no, just individual rolls, so I bought the 4 above. I had to go thru an open package of the 6mm ones to find clean ones and he said that's fine, he'd throw the dirty ones out.

Seems like they are getting rid of their stock of this stuff. Not much there unless there was more in the back.

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