
Could the Me-262 have won the war for the Axis?

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The English Electric Lightning was designed in 1947. It was a pure interceptor, so there was no need for long range. It only came into service in 1960.
I'm not on this years, unfortunately. There weren't enough places but out of one hundred people I was in the last 20. They only needed 18 so I have to go back again in a few months, they said I basically be pushed through next time. I can't say I wasn't upset, but that's life.

It'll be worth the wait though. Plus without being on that course, I can get drunk more. And I can bother you lot more.
and you actually think things have changed??

na we have been cutting down on the spam, the return of crazy and HS wont help us though..............
You do realise with that name, CC, I will have my Allgemeine-letter-SS kill you twice.
We are the National Union of Letter Socialists or Lezi for short. Not Lesi, we aren't a gay rights movement.
You know how stupid you are for not noticing that LEZI is almost Lesi. Jesus H. Christ...Slow or what!?!

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