Chief Master Sergeant
- 4,050
- Jun 25, 2013
The training required for flying jets is primarily on approach and landing, where high residual thrust can result in floating down the runway, vs landing, and slow power lever response can convert aborted landings into crashes.
I also think a lot of the vaunted and largely fictitious German technological "superiority" is because they fielded things like jet aircraft at a stage no one else would consider them ready for service. One rather basic example is the Me262, which engine life that was so poor that its level of serviceability was barely acceptable, even in the desperate state Germany was in at the time.
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The P-80 was taking longer to field because the USAAF wasn't desperate; it wasn't having the crap beaten out of it by a functionally infinite number of high-performance aircraft and the US didn't need to worry about its cities being turned into rubble while its army was being ground down in the East, fighting, and losing, a defensive action in Italy, and already lost in North Africa.
I also think a lot of the vaunted and largely fictitious German technological "superiority" is because they fielded things like jet aircraft at a stage no one else would consider them ready for service. One rather basic example is the Me262, which engine life that was so poor that its level of serviceability was barely acceptable, even in the desperate state Germany was in at the time.
[added in edit]
The P-80 was taking longer to field because the USAAF wasn't desperate; it wasn't having the crap beaten out of it by a functionally infinite number of high-performance aircraft and the US didn't need to worry about its cities being turned into rubble while its army was being ground down in the East, fighting, and losing, a defensive action in Italy, and already lost in North Africa.
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