Yeah, the Crimea and Ukraine were thinly disguised invasions.
In the past few years, Estonia has had escalating tensions with Russia where there's been several demonstrations break out (hauntingly similar to the Ukraine demonstrations) and several of the demonstrators arrested are Russian FSO.
Other incidents include Estonian border guards who are kidnapped on Estonian soil by Russian FSB and held for mock trials as "spies".
Putin is playing a very dangerous game...
You have to look at both sides of the story.
MSM is mostly fake news, that's pretty well know by most free thinking people now.
East Ukraine is populated by more than 8 million ethnic Russians who want nothing to do with the EU. Can you blame them?
Russians in Ukraine - Wikipedia
Ukraine turned like this before in WW2 where the (mostly) Western part of Ukraine tried to side with Germany and persecuted the Jews big time.
Lviv pogroms (1941) - Wikipedia
The Northern, Eastern and Southern parts of Ukraine stayed loyal to the Soviets.
In 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO made an agreement with the Russian Federation that it would never encroach on the actual boundaries of the Russian Federation and would leave a Buffer Zone out of mutual respect.
It failed to do this.
Why not look at it from Russia's point of view.
There was a time I blindly believed everything the UK/USA/France and ''allies'' did was for the good, without question.
I don't anymore. My bias has gone, I just try and get a balanced view and a better understanding.
I just wish we'd all get along a lot better, with a more easy-going understanding for others, rather than keep up a chest thumping and war-mongering type of mentality.
War is not funny.
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