Memorial Day 2018 (U.S.)

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
A friend of the family posted a photo on facebook (a montage, actually) that he took on 28 May at the American cemetery in Izmir, Turkey. He has quite a few American friends and shared the grave site photos with respective relatives, my Uncle's included.

Mr. Simes is a British subject living in Izmir, Turkey, but has been a close friend of my family since he befriended my Uncle Bruce many years ago. Since my Uncle's passing, he's made sure to keep watch over my Uncle's grave site in Izmir and every year, for Memorial Day, he posts an updated photo.
Uncle Bruce was CMSgt Bruce "Skip" Lilley, United States Air Force (retired).

In the attached photo, my Uncle Bruce's grave is the photo at 3 O'Clock.


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