1st Lieutenant
Yes there's a name for that, it's called research.
So suddenly because it doesn't agree with you, they don't know what they're talking about about?
Ooookaay then.
You are correct BUT research means getting, reading and comprehending PRIME sources and identifying those sources in your document.
PRIME sources are specifications, contracts, ACTUAL military records, manufacturers and relevant government documents. All else is opinion based on speculation.
If you want to understand what very simple basic real research looks like go to this site but be warned - their index is purely retyped from the index at the end of each microfilm roll and the frame (page) numbers are useless in most cases because when digitizing AFHRA deleted all the blank pages. And on a lot of frames the frame number is not readable.
Other errors are that the person who wrote the original index was not necessarily correct (for example the General Kenney diaries are not where they claim) or did not include much detail.
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