Messerschmitt Bf108 Taifun

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Yes. I agree. But IMHO Kesselring may not have anything in common with the shots. In the last pic we can notice that all the German planes there have the Nazi marking on the tail that was used from 1933 to the winter 1938/1939 at the latest . The Fall Gelb was in 1940 so that's be the time rather. I would say that's the 1935-1937 period. The two first seem to be taken later judging by the markings although the first one may be the pre-war one too.
I see what you are thinking. And mostly agree par that not all airplanes got new codes as front line airplanes got. I have seen codes running well into other.

There are pictures of him in these events. If i find them again perhaps it gives a lead on the time.
Giebelstadt, Fahnenübergabe durch General Kesselring

Giebelstadt (GER) (49 39 10 N – 09 58 30 E)
General: Fliegerhorst in Bavaria 15 km S of Würzburg and 1.6 km E
of the village of Giebelstadt.
History construction began in late summer 1934 and was completed
June 1935. The infrastructure, especially the housing area, was
designed to reflect a so-called "Luftwaffe Modern" style and on
completion the base was considered one of the most attractive in
Germany. Officially designated a Luftwaffe
Fliegerhorstkommandantur by fall 1935.

You can see Kesselring walking towards the Ju 52 etc.

  1. Luftwaffe Airfields 1935-45
    Germany (1937 Borders)
    By Henry L. deZeng IV - Germany [1937 Borders].pdf

  2. Gross Foto, Giebelstadt, Fahnenübergabe durch General Kesselring, e (N)50332 | eBay
  3. Foto, Giebelstadt, Fahnenübergabe durch General Kesselring, d (N)50332 | eBay
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