Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution

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Oct 12, 2011
Or, how the Communists like to celebrate how great they are! This is one of the great military museums and it has recently reopened after a lengthy overhaul of its exhibition space. The exhibits have been cleaned and refurbished and the main hall is bright and spacious. The days I went, the place was packed and this is evident in some of the photographs. A few pics and a link to more;

Link to page: Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution
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Aircraft are, Xian H-6 (Tu-16) with Shenyang J-5 (MiG-17) and Shenyang JJ-5 (cross between MiG-15UTI and MiG-17) above, Shenyang J-8I, Nanchang Y-5 (An-2), Nanchang Q-5 Fantan and CAIC W-10 Fierce Thunder attack helicopter.

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