Weather conditions in the UK and over the Continent during the January - April period were challenging. The fourteen missions I was on only three drops were visual. On the others a radar system PFF(Path Finder Force) was used. The Lead Squadron aircraft had special equipment that enabled us to complete the the drop. The PFF team included pilot, DR navigator, bombardier and mickey operator. The set up procedures for each member of the team were the same as for a visual drop only we couldn't see the ground.The mickey operator became our eyes through the radar equipment. The bomb sight calculations had been set by the bombardier and the sight connected to the auto pilot. On the bomb run the mickey operator called verbally over the intercom system for course corrections which the bombardier made. Should the clouds break away at the last minute the bombardier made a visual drop.
The PFF drop was not as accurate as the visual but it served the purpose. A sixty percent bombs on target was considered successful.
The PFF drop was not as accurate as the visual but it served the purpose. A sixty percent bombs on target was considered successful.
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