Tech Sergeant
Things change as technology changes. There is a good reason why even A10s release smart bombs from many thousands of feet. The Skyraider always needed air superiority (like WW2 dive bombers) but these days low level light A/A weapons (heavy machine guns, cannon and shoulder type missiles put any aeroplane at risk at low levels.
It was a wonderful COIN bomber but now air defence rules it out, except against the most primitively armed ground forces. Modern attack helicopters rely on minimum exposure, suppressive fire and armour as a last resort in order to survive. A Skyraider, no matter how updated, cannot compete on minimum exposure and suppressive fire. It's day has gone.
Air Forces that need a COIN type against lightly armed ground forces (eg drugs gangs) will choose the cheaper armed trainer with turbo prop engines or light jet trainers. No longer can you empty crates of mortar bombs out of Twin Pioneers or use Shackletons as bombers as was done in the Radfan in the 1960s.
It was a wonderful COIN bomber but now air defence rules it out, except against the most primitively armed ground forces. Modern attack helicopters rely on minimum exposure, suppressive fire and armour as a last resort in order to survive. A Skyraider, no matter how updated, cannot compete on minimum exposure and suppressive fire. It's day has gone.
Air Forces that need a COIN type against lightly armed ground forces (eg drugs gangs) will choose the cheaper armed trainer with turbo prop engines or light jet trainers. No longer can you empty crates of mortar bombs out of Twin Pioneers or use Shackletons as bombers as was done in the Radfan in the 1960s.