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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
This guy has done a lot of work and its still a work in progress. I'm just going through the RAF section and its very extensive, broken down into schemes and some history., but I think its worth bookmarking. Gotta scroll down about a ⅕ of the page....Resources - The World Wars A sample.....

Good find Geo.
I notice that the Humbrol equivalent for RAF Dark Green is still shown as No.30. This was the case for many years, and it was a very close match, and a good paint. But since the various changes of manufacturer of these paints in recent years, the shade is now nowhere near what it was, being lighter, and with a 'brighter' tone. The nearest Humbrol I've found is No.163 Dark Green (satin), but it can be inconsistent, and often gives a patchy finish.
Good chart though, and bookmarked - thanks.
When I first looked at this over at BM, I was impressed with the apparent amount of research that went into this and with the excellent presentation. However, being a Tamiya paint user, I noticed right away that, as with many charts of thus type, he typically lists the closest equivalents without any recommended blending ratios. I therefore suspect that he has copied the Tamiya recommended colours listed in their kit instructions which, to my eye, are not always the best match. The only RAF dedicated colours that Tamiya produces are the 3 day fighter scheme colours and their release coincided with the release of their excellent 1/32 Spitfire IX several years ago. Since then, no other spec colours have been produced to my knowledge so there will be a continued need for blending.

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