Mosquito MM404

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Sep 8, 2009
Has anyone got any photos of MM404? This was one of the Mosquitos that was shot down during the Amiens raid. I remember stumbling across some photos of its crash landing, but I can't remember where that was.

Thanks in advance.
Yeah, that's the one I had seen earlier. Are there any other shots that include the wingtips as well? I'd like to see whether they were extended or standard.
Haven't got any more shots around, but the wingtips would have been standard FBVI. Far as I know without double checking, only some experimental and Sea Mossies had extended wing tips.
Has anyone got any photos of MM404? This was one of the Mosquitos that was shot down during the Amiens raid. I remember stumbling across some photos of its crash landing, but I can't remember where that was.

Thanks in advance.
Crash site is Villeroy, Somme, France (near Oisemont)

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