Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

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  • Waist Gunner(s)

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  • Tail Gunner

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The original post was asking about worst position on a bomb run wasn't it? On the bomb run the main concern was flaks since the Germans didn't wanna fly through that stuff either. Given that fact I'm not sure there was a best or worse position since flak hits were pretty arbitrary.

On the question of fighter escort to Munich . . . P-38Ls could hace done it. Earlier Lightnings were the first allied fighters over Berlin.

The reason the B-17 was more popular than the B-24 are two fold, I think. The B-17 was used predominately in the ETO and the European war received much better press coverage that the Pacific or Med. Also, the B-17 was tougher and the images of B-17s coming back to England absolutely shot to ribbons made a very lasting impression.
It was amazingly tough, but probably not as tought as the B-17. Regardless, the B-24 never got the press that the B-17 did because it primarily served in out of the way theatres (ie. everywhere but Europe).
And the most used bomber in the Med., the Pacific, the Aleutians, and, by the way, there were nearly as many Libs built as Forts and Lancs COMBINDED. But for some reason the Lib was never seen as that great a plane by the public. Maybe they didn't like it's looks.
Lighting Guy, you have helped some, but the B-24 was just as rugged as the B-17, and if you say that to B-24 crews who were brought home in an all shot up Liberator, they would have words with you.

I will agree that the P-38 was a good fighter that was one of the first who could profive the escourt. And yes the Liberator got less press, but if you like WWII art, there are some great posters and War bonds stuff fore The Libs and Ford's Willow run plant, that was just a great site. The Lib was used in every Theature and proformed with high marks. It's airframe was used for bomber, trasport, and even tanker. 8)

Question how is it that your posts are so high when you just joined?

Lanc, we are agreeing, the Liberator was the deal that helped seal the atlantic, that and the crazy production of the Jeep carriers. 8)

This thread is a little off topic, but that is fine. As for the thought that flack hit alaround, I would have to say that some of the German gunners could put it right up at the cocpit. Some Japonese units used captured or downed Liberators to shadow the formations to give the gunners heading, speed, and altidude. They would stay until the crews realized who it was, a great story about that in a book I read.
I post alot, so what? The B-24 may have been as tough as the B-17. Believe it or not I prefer the B-24. I thought we were discussing why the B-24 never achieved the legendary status that the B-17 did (at least in the eyes of the general public). The B-17 was, at least, perceived as being tougher, and that maybe why the B-17 was considered more popular. I happen to know a few B-24 crewmen. One was in the Pacific and his Lib made something like a 600 mile flight back to base sans the tail turret! That's pretty tough.
The B-24 could fly further and carry more than the B-17, or was it higher? I can't remember.

Anyway, the B-24 dropped more bombs on Europe than the B-17.

The B-24 wasn't the sole victor of the battle of Atlantic, it could have been won without it. But there is no denying it did an amazing job.
The B-17 had the higher altitude by a few thousand feet. Generally a B-17 had a maximum load of 9,600lbs while the B-24 could cram 12,800lbs into it's bomb bays. A more typical load would be 5,000lbs for the B-17 (10 x 500lbs) and 6,000lbs for the B-24 (12 x 500lbs). Either way the B-24 was carrying more bombs.
So the B-24 could fly further, and carry I said..before I questioned myself on the height thing.
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