Movie I am definitely going to see on the first day!

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Out of curiosity, how old are you?

LOL - 45.

But what does that have to do with this post?
Like I said, just curious. I imagined that you were younger from your interest in the movie but noticed that you are a computer programmer. My feeble brain couldn't reconcile this.
My age is!"£^%, damn this keyboard doesn't appear
to have any numbers. :confused: Moving on swiftly
Here,s one I wont be seeing the remake of The flight of The Phoenix

You can't beat the original


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cheddar cheese said:
Ive never even heard of the damn film ;)

???? Flight of the Pheonix ????

Go rent it, the original with Jimmy Stewart. It's a great movie!


:D I like it Cheesy I look brilliant for that age then, you've cheered me up no end :D
I agree, go rent it you won't be dissapointed it's got a teriffic storyline with great characterisation and some first class acting.

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