My Birthday present!

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Now you need to build a model of it - Roden do a kit, or there's the old Monogram kit - use the former !
Or there's a new 1/32nd scale kit, I think from either Kinetic or Kittyhawk.
Awesome, Andy! My birthday is the 16th too, and that video was the best present I got by far. Just didn't realize it at the time. Hey, what's a squid T-28 doing wearing a zoomie color scheme?? That's a B or a C(with a tailhook-ectemy) with the (Navy-style) R1820 clatterbox up front. Awesome acro bird! I had one acro ride in an A (Air Farce version) with the 800 HP Wright engine and it was a dog!! Imagine an O200 powered Citabria with two big guys and full tanks. You get the picture. Thanks for the vicarious ride!!
What a great birthday present!

Glad you had a blast and those are great photos and video

That's a T-28D that served in the Royal Thai Air Force and later, the Philippine Air Force.
It was built along the USAF specifications in Downey, California before being modified to the D version.
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I'm glad you enjoyed the vid mate. Happy Birthday for the other day

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