My visit at the RAF museum in Hendon (London)

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Hallo Kris,

We arrived just before it opened at 10 o' clock. We left at around 16.30. If you're coming from Londen, you'll best take the underground to Colindale. Take a left turn when exiting the station there and keep following the road until the museum is at your right hand. The WWI hall closes early, about noon, so you'll best go there first. It's in an old aircraft factory.
Bah, London, an over-priced hell hole. Can I just point out that all of Britain isn't that expensive.
A Japanese KI-100, a Bf109-G2 (one photo with a mossie in the back), a Hawker Tempest (as I'm told the only one still existing today) and a Me262 (with a Hawker Hart and e Fokker D.VII in the back)

Great photos.. thanks!

according to this website, there are a number of Tempests around:

The Hawker Tempest Page

The KI-100 must be very rare... that may be the only one.

I remember being there in 2000 just for a few hours before leaving the UK. I should've take more time to watch the exhibitions.

BTW is it admission free today?
Did you guys know that if you come out of the gate to Hendon and turn right,just up the road is a turn in on the right and set back from the road is an excellent Hannants model shop.
If you cant find it the guy on the gate will direct you...
Have fun....
Dont forget the WW1 stuff in the hall to the right of the main museum and there is a nice Hawker Hunter parked outside next to that...


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Me again...
Another thing about Hendon (its been mentioned elsewhere ) is that it is very dark in there especially the Battle of Britain hangar
I dont know how serious you are about photography but a tripod is a must.
They are allowed and you have to go to the reception desk and get a card.
Some of my pix were down to 4 seconds and watch for some of the spotlights which can fool your cameras light meter.
Hi Crashgate,

Your photo's were better than mine, as I only used a pocket camera. So for everybody, if you liked my photo's, take a look at Crashgates, in a thread somwhere here. They're awsome.

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