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if it makes it any better we don't bitch about anyone else anything like we do to the French, you being a Brit i'm sure i don't have to explain why
That was my point! My humor is getting lost in this forum. I'm gonna have a talk with Horse. I think he has that filter on again.
And the Piss on French thread is ruined because Marcel showed up. He's a nice guy, so we need to continue the fun somewhere else.

It would be like making fun of Lanc when he's not around. Takes the edge right off.
but the French are so easy we don't need them around, besides some other @sshole's turned up in another thread shouting his mouth off in defence of the French so we'll see how that one turns out
I gave him a warning. It is okay to disagree with you but he can do it a bit differently especially since he has all of 3 posts.

The things he accuses you of, he does in his post.

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