Need Colored, airshow pictures of WWII aircraft!

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I didnt take any of these, I just found em laying around...Indeed I dont even know if they are from airshows


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Thanks for the pics CC! I like the one of the a10,p47,and p38! If you guys out there have any other Airshow Pics then keep sending them in!
Thanks, pilot, it's not my website, but that is my online portfolio. I will have more in a few weeks. Camarillo Air Show is coming up August 27-28.

Joe, isn't that Mig-17 owned by George Lazick? It was a couple of years ago when he came out to Camarillo.

Yep - that's the one. I spelled his name wrong. He sold it a couple of years ago. Funny guy!
I know you heard about the guy who was killed in the T-33 last year by Canyon Country. Dan Lavigna was his name, great guy but a bit risky. George Lazick used to call him "Dr. Death" (Dan was a doctor). I look back on that and say George really had a premonition!
Those are excellent photo's, each and every one of them well done. P38 over the years I have a few but instead of posting blindly, can you tell me if you have any favourite planes and I will see if I have any.

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