Need Colored, airshow pictures of WWII aircraft!

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Here it is....


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evangilder said:
Nope, I don't recall having seen that one around CMA. Shame about the crash though.

Nonskimmer said:
That is a shame.

Yea, it was a real bummer when he was killed. He was a nice guy but like I said, a bit of a risk taker. It seems he lost a drop tank after take off and augured in, just missed a mobile home park!

It sucked - I lost him and a former flight instructor within weeks of each other!
My former instructor Dave Lazerson was a great guy and excellent pilot. He was killed in a mid-air over Tehachapi. The other plane survived and landed at a dirt strip.

Dave was one of the last civilians to go through the test pilot school at Edwards. He was the deputy program manager on the JSF and it was rumored that NASA was talking to him about astronaut training. I seen him fly the test squadron F-16s at Edwards, it was funny to see this guy in the cockpit with hair protruding from his helmet. He used to do an outstanding sailplane aerobatic display at the Edwards AFB air show.

Attached is the surviving aircraft. If Dave could talk to us right now I'm sure he would of wanted this to be used to train other pilots in the importance of collision avoidance - "See and be seen."

Here's the link:


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It sucks!

Dave was the chief flight instructor at the Edwards AFB Aero Club when I learned how to fly - he signed me off to take my Private Pilot Checkride.
Here's just a handful that I've taken over the years. All were taken in Australia.


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