Need help finding back Issues of "Military Aircraft (Magazine or Monthly?)"

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York
Gents (and Ladies),

I was wondering if any of you guys would happen to know where I might be able to locate some back issues of the Japanese publication "Military Aircraft Magazine/Monthly", the now defunct hard spine, glossy covered magazine once printed by Delta Publishing. I have been helped recently by fellow member Shinpachi, and have combed various sites on the web that offer the like but I'm still on the hunt so to speak. I hope that some of you may know where I can get them or, if not, point me to where I might have better luck. I have a few of these wonderful books in my collection but they are as rare as hen's teeth in the States and I would like to add a few more to my library. Any information you can provide would be more than welcome. I look forward to any reply. The issues that I am interested in are listed below.

Military Aircraft #30
Military Aircraft #33
Military Aircraft #36
Military Aircraft #42
Military Aircraft #44
Military Aircraft #45
Military Aircraft #48
Military Aircraft #60
Military Aircraft #61

Thanks for any help, Vic
Can't find any in the UK Vic, but there was a UK- published magazine also called Military Aircraft Monthly, which again doesn't seem to be able to be found for back-issues.
Thanks Airframes.

The UK publication is a "horse of a different color" or "colour" in this case.. A good magazine none the less that is at least still being published AND it's in English! Again, thanks for looking in the UK for me.

Regards, Jim
Yeah, that's the one Airframes was talking about, but unfortunately it's not the periodical that I am looking for. Mine was published in Japan and had (as you may have guessed) Japanese text. It was a glossy covered, hard spined, soft cover book that some have described as a magazine. Great for photos! Sadly I'm having no luck finding the ones that I'm looking for above. Thatnks for the information though... :(
I did actually mean Military Aircraft Monthly, Vic, a UK-published magazine I used to get occassionally. But it appears to be no more, or at least I haven't seen it on the shelves for some time.
I'll keep a look out though, and see if I can find the publisher's details if I still have an old copy - it might be the same mag, also published in Japanese, perhaps?
I hope this corrects the confusion...


  • BMIJ2350(11-2001).jpg
    112.7 KB · Views: 144
Definitely a different publication ! The UK mag was more about current, day to day Military stuff worldwide.

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