Need help finding tail number of an 8th AAF B-24H

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May 7, 2019
I only have the nose art of the B-24H that my dad's crew delivered to England via the Southern Route in Feb 1944. They picked it up new at the Replacement Crew Depot in Topeka, KS and dropped it off at Watton, Norwich (sta. # 376). The tail number should be accompanied by dad's pilot's signature: Lt. Edward G. Leininger at both locations. I assume records would be from ATC (Air Transport Command). My dad was the navigator and his nose art ("Oh My Sufferin' Head") was painted on in the states. It was a Ford built that also still had olive drab paint. A nose art collector gave me a photo and the number 42-100423, but could not be sure of its validity. That plane was a J model and flew with the 44th BG. A listing of their named planes showed none with that nose art. The Leininger crew flew combat with the 389th BG and dad always wondered what happened to 'Sufferin' Head' after they dropped it off. Boneyard beauty or valiant warrior... I'd like to finally complete that chapter.
Anybody with info on what records, where to look would be appreciated!


  • Leininger, orig crew photo (1).zip
    458.5 KB · Views: 173
Thanks for the reply. The entries are interesting to me for 2 reasons. 1.) I have not seen multiple instances of such a unique name, so the entry for the 448th BG may be worth some more scrutiny. 2.) The 44th BG entry is the one that I believe I helped create when I contacted them investigating the nose art lead. That info stated that, without solid records, the plane flew with the Eight Balls and had a tail no. of 42-100425, then the 5 was crossed out and a 3 replaced it. Before I knew it, the Leininger crew photo with the chalked 1st draft of the nose art showed up on the 44th BG web site as the Winn crew. As I examined 42-100423, it became obvious it was not the correct plane for these reasons:
a.) ...423 was a B-24J and not a B-24H. Dad was the navigator and a detail guy. He knew the difference.
b.) ...423 was a Consolidated built plane. The one Leininger signed for was Ford-Willow Run built. Still had olive drab paint in Jan '44. My info says that the J and H production overlapped between Nov'43-May'44 when the Emerson front turrets finally became available to all production lines.
c.) ...423 while listed as a 44th BG A/C, (when I started looking) never showed a name next to it; while many other numbers were named.
[The first place on the net where the Leininger crew photo appeared was on Klaus Zimmer's excellent aviation archeology site:
Flugzeugabstürze Saarland und Umgebung Flugzeugarchäologie
This site lists the crew's "eye of the needle" details from the Saarbruecken mission of 27 May '44.]
Bottom line: 42-100423 flew with the 44th BG but was not "Oh My Sufferin' Head". I believe I am looking for a B-24H-FO model from Dec'43 or Jan'44. I believe it was flown in the 8th AAF. The only definitive records proving this will be Leininger's signature alongside the model and tail number from ATC records from the Topeka, KS and/or Watton, Norfolk.
Anybody know anything about the 448th BG entry?
On Joe Baugher's site, I found 42-100423 listed as assigned to 44th BG, 506th BS but with no name and 42-100425 listed as assigned to 458th BG, 752nd BS, named "The Bird."

On this page: 44th BG Records - Page 10 I found reference to 42-100423 with the name "The Wasps Nest."

So, if either of those were the AC your Dad crewed on the ferry flight, the name was changed.

I also checked the 448th BG aircraft on THIS SITE, but found no AC listed with the right name. The Ford-produced H-models delivered during the right time period are, as best as I can figure, the following. SNs If an AC had a name listed, it's included.

42-94735 Bim-Bam-Bola
42-94972 Daisy Mae
42-94989 Battlin Baby
42-95185 DoBunny

I hope something here provides someone else a lead. As a pure rookie and rank amateur, my search skills are sorely lacking.

Best of luck!

I can guarantee you is NOT a virus risk. I've been to their site hundreds of times, including while I was writing up the information for my post. It's definitely blocked in error. The site is part of the United States Air Force Military Heritage Database and is administered by the USAF.

Thanks for the input, ODonovan. I have a high interest in B-24s but don't have the depth in the pertinent records experience. I ask for the charity of the experts for the vexing questions like this particular orphan ship, "...Sufferin' Head". As this latest tangle has shown, the military records themselves (when you can read the copies) have info that must be cross checked closely. Ex: translation of dad's German info in his POW file listed his plane as 42-95097. In fact, they were shot down in 42-95091. The difference was between a handwritten German '1' and '7'. They cross their sevens and emphasize the angle at the top of their ones... Ex: the eyewitness in the MACR says that dad's plane had a fire in the bomb bay area. When asked, dad said "no, that was Reid's ship, "War Champ", the other plane shot down. Ours didn't burn and broke up after the 8 of us surviving bailed." I could go on... it's harder now with dad and Ed gone. Easy questions just don't get answers now. I am confident that Air Transport Command records will solve this one quickly... if they can be found. If not, it's a crap shoot with the name. That depends on BG records that associate a name with a SN; also no name changes. The 44th BG reference is spurious, 448th (?) long shot without detailed BG info but worth the check.
Hi AlanG! Still some interest in my delusions, eh? The 1st photo is of the final version, painted by some enterprising ground crew (for a modest fee...) at the Topeka B-24 replacement crew depot, before the Leininger crew flew to England via the southern route. Dad verified the design when I first discovered it. The tail number, 42-100423, accredited to this photo is incorrect. The 2nd photo is the Leininger crew photo taken the day before at Topeka. Dad is on the bottom row, far left. Leininger is on his left. The initial design was chalked on the plane and, while cropped in this photo, you can see the chalk in dad's rt. hand. This photo was sent to Klaus Zimmer for his listing of their shoot down for his website. The Leininger crew photo was used on the 44th BG site as the Winn crew, who was shot down in ...423. Again, that plane was not "Oh, My Sufferin' Head". I have begun to look at ATC papers, found on, to see if I can locate the definitive record of Leiniger's signature next to a new B-24H FO. Anyone with experience with those records may advise. I'm not too impressed initially. Who are you,"...Sufferin' Head"?
P.S. Where would I go to see a good record of the battle for Ingostadt, Apr 1945, from Army archives? I have "Blackhawks over the Danube", but there is little detail as Ingolstadt was a speed bump in Bavaria.

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