New collection

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
I have been talking with the wife for some time about wanting some German coins and currency from WW2. She told me to go ahead and order some, but it's really expensive on Ebay and other sites.

I was just curious if some of our European friends could let me know if Reichsmarks, Reichspfennigs, German(Nazi) stamps, and 1920's Inflationary notes are common to get over there.

Also, would someone be able to help me out in acquiring some. If you want, send me a private message if your interested.

Or, if anyone else collects this stuff, do you have a recommended website to order from?
I got some but you can't have em. Belonged to an uncle I never met who was killed near Leningrad in the January 1944 Russian offensive.
Thanks anyway Crimea. I just placed my order with the website Adler provided. I have a feeling they are going to get a chunk of my money very soon.

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