New Pictures of Kamikaze Attack on CV11 *PICS*

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Airman 1st Class
Hey, folks:

I just added a new section to my Cole's Aircraft website that contains a series of amazing photographs: Taken in 1944 they depict a Japanese Navy A6M5 'Zero' (a pair, actually) targeting and successfully striking the USS Intrepid - smack amidships.

I put them through my photo restoration software and I'm pleased with the results.

I've never seen this series before and believe them to be previously unpublished - please tell me if I'm wrong.

In any case I invite everyone to look, and download them if they desire.


Ron Cole

On Nov 25, '44 three special attack units of fighter bomber Zeroes under command of 201st Air Group attacked US ships from fields on Luzon, 'No.3 High Virtue Unit' 5 a/c, Kasagi Unit 5 a/c and Yoshino Unit 6 a/c. Listings I found on web differed on whether the 'Strong Wind Unit' of 2 a/c consisted of Ginga bombers or Zeroes, I think former is more likely. I don't think it's possible to tell with more specificity which a/c are in the photo.


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