New Revell 1/72 Avro Lancaster build.

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Thanks Darryl ! It's neary completed

Terry did you have a problem at all in attaching the wings into the fuselage

I don't know if it was my assembling but i couldn't get the wings to fit into the fuselage and the
centre spar was stopping it so i had to remove it,then the wings fitted in lovely my next problem
was that the wings where all over the place and had no support so i had to make a jig to hold everything
level and made my own wood centre peice which held the two wings together quite securely.
shouldn't be too long before its finished [maybe tonight !]

After a bit of thought i decided that this Lancaster will be as VN * T. R5546 a 50Sqd Lanc'
This was lost on a raid to Nuremberg the night March 1944.

Weathering/wash of wings is a mixture of watered pastels which is just brushed on and left to dry
when its completely dry just rub most of it off with clean damp not wet kitchen paper....

The black 'walkway' lines are not decals but painted on because these normally 'silver' badly.

Most of my Lanc' models get a slight wash to dirty them up a bit theres a close up shot of the dirty wing,not too much just about right i reckon.

The rear wings are attached onto thin pieces of plastic these are just too thin and the rear wings went up
and down like a pair of birds wings,not good so i added a 10 thou' piece of plasticard to the plastic this
made the rear wings a tight fit and theres no need to glue these onto the fuselage.

This is the jig i had to make out of balsa wood and you can see where i've had to remove the centre section
removing this piece cracked the fuselage so i had to do a spot of mending and repainting which made me angry.

Held the model down with laggy bands and patience

Jig removed and everything went well and sits nice and level.

thanks for looking.
Nice work Ian. I didn't have any problems with the main wings or the tailplanes, although I did have to sit the model in a jig until the main wings set. Only fit problem I had was with the fins, where they didn't want to stay vertical, due to not seating all the way on the tabs. I just filed off a bit of each tab and solved the problem. Only other problem was the mid-upper turret, as the 'basket' is too high, making the dome look wrong - had I spotted it, I would have modified it.

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