New 'room-mate' - what's she from?

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...And sorry for the delay in replying, still recovering from the maiden flight...

After Joe's comment, had a look at the prop again. Checked out the back (again) and found nothing (again)...quietly working on the latest project (a Zlín Z-XII - is that a coincidence or what ??) and noticed little 'scratches' on the side of the prop in the photo on the instructions - numbers!! Quickly turned the prop round to the one place I hadn't looked ( ) and Bingo! Two lines: Z-326-641, and what looks like 1171.

Squizz on the Hungarian Zlín site and we have the Z-326-641 prop on the Zlín Z-226A "Acrobat",and Z-326 prop (no last 3 numbers) on the Z-326 "Trener Master" and Z-326A "Acrobat Master".
If the latter numbers are correct as written, then she's from a Z-226A, atleast according to the site previously posted.

...The twist (and the usual fun with research) : the same site has a 'History of Zlín in Hungary' page - no mention of Z-226A's at all, but Z-326's yes (12 aircraft: HA-TRI,-J,-K,-O,-P,-R,-S,-T,-U,-V,-Y, and -Z), and 11 Z-226T's (HA-TRA,-B,-C,-D,-E,-F,-G,-H,-L,-M, and -N) though according to same these last had Z-226-641 props...

Any info on that last 1171 number? It might help clarify the matter.Cheers, and further pics: (excuse the poor quality of the first one, was hard to photograph)


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