New to the game

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Airman 1st Class
Mar 25, 2011
Clinton Township, MI
I purchased the game years ago, through Steam, and believe it or not I finally installed it and gave it a shot.

I looked through the forum for some beginner tips but am coming up short.

Does anyone know of any guides for the beginner? I have it set to easy and doing quick missions to get the hang of it, the problem is that I just seem to fly around with nothing to do. I can't find any enemies to engage.

My apologies in advance for the basic questions, I've just heard so many good things about the game and want to get involved with it.

Thank you!
cop, you do not state the title of the game. I assume that it is a flight/warfare/dogfight. Often times the beginner mode is just flight, i.e. learning how handle the aircraft. And, being a guy, the last resort, read the instructions
Thanks again guys and my apologies for not stating which version I have.

When I log into Steam it says "1946" so I'm guessing that's the version.

I'll do a little more research and give it a shot. I've only heard good things about the game.
cop, you do not state the title of the game. I assume that it is a flight/warfare/dogfight. Often times the beginner mode is just flight, i.e. learning how handle the aircraft. And, being a guy, the last resort, read the instructions

Most of the time Il-2's instructions aren't really that detailed. I had to spend a few hours trying to get the hang of the controls and aircraft, and the instructions hardly helped.

The best way to get a hang of the game is to go into the quick mission builder, but since you can't find any enemies to fight here is a pretty short tutorial.

The drop down lists (From left to right) assign how many enemies/friendlies will be in flight, how skilled they are, what type of aircraft they are flying and what kind of weapons they are carrying.

The ones at the very bottom obviously assign what altitude you will be flying in, weather, time, map etc.

Go to one of the drop down lists in the "Hostile" section.

Set the number of enemy aircraft to whatever you want (The maximum is four per flight), set the skill to "rookie" and since you are playing 1946, I suggest the enemy aircraft be Bf-109G-6s with the loadout set to "Default" or if you just want target practice, set it to "Empty".

And press play!
Unless they have fixed it recently the Steam download is missing some folders that are needed for some of the features to work.

Also you may want to consider UP2.01, a great enhancement to a great game NEWS!

Be sure to read about steam install if you do so. Different from disc
This will give you a variety of targets. Go to "Single Missions", then USAF, then P-51D, then Comrades in Arms. You and your AI mates against 8 relatively docile FW-190 fighter bombers, 4 He-111's and 4 Ace Bf-109's. And since you have some buds with you not everyone is shooting at you.

As a beginner on realism go unlimited ammo, maps and icons on and don't worry about complex engine management for now.

The M key brings up the map. clicking over the map adjusts the scale and allows you to determine locations of aircraft in the scenario.
Tab brings up the communications menu for command of your AI buds.
Control R starts recording the track to help you evaluate your gunnery after a mission.
A=autopilot...If you're unsure on how to fly a single mission just start the mission and press A. The AI will give you an idea how to fly it until it gets you killed

Good luck

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