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You do realize that uploading directly to ww2aircraft ensures that your images remain forever?

Image hosting sites suck and end up changing their policies (or going under) leaving your older posts with dead images.
You do realize that uploading directly to ww2aircraft ensures that your images remain forever?

Image hosting sites suck and end up changing their policies (or going under) leaving your older posts with dead images.

On the other hand, loading directly into the forum weighs the server down.

When I want an image to remain "forever", I save it to my computer, job done. I lost many, many images when Tinypic went under, but they weren't pics I needed to last forever anyway.
The servers (yep, plural) has ample bandwidth and storage and loading native images takes a few MS whereas remote loading can actually cause lag, plus image storage sites compress image files that are not being viewed in their server (to save band with due to fetching)

These are things I did not know, thanks. Having only used mostly smaller forums, I'm pretty conscious of not growing expenses for owners.

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