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Jun 3, 2011
hi all just relearning what I havnt done in years and that is fly sims, bought il2cod and am having a blast just trying to get the planes started :oops:

Is there a site to view all the planes and controls in them or is it just suk it and see with this game .

any hoo hope to see you in the reticle one day :D
hi all just relearning what I havnt done in years and that is fly sims, bought il2cod and am having a blast just trying to get the planes started :oops:

Is there a site to view all the planes and controls in them or is it just suk it and see with this game .

any hoo hope to see you in the reticle one day :D
I think these threads at SimHQ should help with Cliffs of Dover.
2GvSAP Flea's Data Sheets for CoD - SimHQ Forums

How To: Engine Starting Procedures - SimHQ Forums


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